“The gift of an image is that it provides a place to watch your soul. ”
~ James Hillman
Rev. Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee
Based in New York City,
on indigenous Lenape land
About Me

Spiritual Director/Companion
Interspiritual Teacher, Chakradance and SoulCollage® Facilitator, Jungian/Archetypal Dreamworker
Journey-Guide into the Imaginal Realms
through Creativity, Poetry, Myths and Storytelling
Academic background:
Biomedical Research Scientist
Associate Professor of Research at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City,
specializing in microscopic imaging and image analysis of cells and tissues
Member of Spiritual Directors International, International Institute of Complementary Therapists,
and Science and Nonduality (SAND)
Faculty at the Interfaith/Interspiritual Seminary, One Spirit Learning Alliance

An altar created as the culmination of a weekend workshop entitled “Dreams as Portals to the Sacred” in December, 2020
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
- Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
One of my beloved teachers, Caroline Casey, once described my task for this lifetime in these words:
you will always be an outsider, with insider privileges
you are here to smuggle ideas across borders
Brief Bio
My vocation straddles cutting edge biomedical research technology, and a spirituality imbued with magic and wonder. My psyche thrives at the interface of image, imagination and creative innovation. My spiritual work draws on Eastern and Western myths, Earth-based traditions, Taoism, Sufism, and Perennial Philosophy. My work is deeply influenced by the teachings of Carl Jung and James Hillman, and the creative perspectives of poets and writers, too many to name. Some of my specific interests include myths, dreams, poetry and art (especially fractal, mandala and abstract art), altar building, guided visualizations, chanting and vocalization, and practices of Interspiritual Companioning, Jungian-influenced Dreamwork, SoulCollage® and Chakradance. I am deeply committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in all my fields of engagement.
My (Her)Story
I am a quintessential border-crosser and a bridge-builder.
The closest archetype describing my stance in life would be that of Hermes - the Greek god of boundaries, thresholds and crossroads. Hermes is the patron god of travellers of all kinds, from traveling minstrels to merchants - the ones who transport objects, culture and ideas across distant lands. Having access to all the worlds, Hermes often acts as a “Psychopomp,” or a soul-guide, for souls crossing over from life to the world-beyond.
Born in Kolkata, I grew up in New Delhi, and studied in several cities of North, West and South India. Now, I live in New York City, married to a Caucasian man, and mother to an extraordinary biracial human on the cusp of adulthood.
Down the memory lane…
Some photos from my childhood in India
Goddess Durga, Mother and Protectress of all creation; in her “warrior” aspect - fighting “demons” of our own making
Goddess Kali, whose name means “Dark” and “Time,” presides over the cycle of life - from womb to the tomb, and back to the womb
Knowing the divine as “Mother”
Growing up in a bengali household, the face of god, by default, has been feminine for me. Durgapuja and Kalipuja were the two largest annual festivals of my childhood. Both these festivals are celebrated as “sarbojonin” puja - meaning that they are celebrated in public places, and are open to all comers - no matter one’s religion, caste, social class, or anything else. Temporary marquees (called “pandals”) are set up, and temporary icons of the goddesses and their retinue are created just for those few days of festivity.
It is only later, as an adult living in the West, have I come to appreciate the gift of seeing the face of the divine first and foremost in her feminine aspect. Now, when I offer chants to communities and congregations, they often invoke this feminine face of god.
Academic Dean, Seminary Program, One Spirit Learning Alliance
One Spirit Learning Alliance Seminary Faculty
Ordained Interspiritual and Interfaith minister
One Spirit Learning Alliance Minister page
Interspiritual Counselor/Companion
One Spirit Learning Alliance
Chakradance Facilitator
SoulCollage® Facilitator
Member, Spiritual Directors International
Spiritual Directors International
Member, International Institute of Complementary Therapists
International Institute of Complementary Therapists
Student, School of the Origins (SOTO)
School of the Origins
Associate Professor of Research in Biochemistry
Weill Cornell Medicine
My professional bio
Co-Director, Microscopy and Image Analysis Core Facility
Weill Cornell Medicine
Core Facility Website
Departmental Diversity Champion
Diversity Council
Weill Cornell Medicine
Co-Director, “Sociocultural Barriers in STEM”
Elective course, Graduate School
Weill Cornell Medicine
Jungian Psychoanalytic Training (the first year)
I have completed Year 1 of training in Jungian Analytic Psychology at the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association (JPA) in New York City. I chose to exit the program after the first year, as it became clear to me that I was more drawn to spiritual, rather than psychoanalytic, work. Even though I left the program after a year, Jungian theory still undergirds my spiritual counseling work, and provides the basic lens through which I understand psyche (which in Greek means “soul”).
During my training year, I studied:
Introduction to Jungian Theory and Practice (year-long)
Deep immersive reading of several of Carl Jung's Collected Work volumes
Introduction to DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
Frame of Analysis (importance of analytic space creation - both physical and psychological)
Ethics in Analysis
During this period, I also participated in monthly day-long “Dream Practica”.
School of the Origins (SOTO)
I have received individual mentorship from Mariabruna Sirabella. In addition to being the Lead Trainer for SoulCollage®, Mariabruna has developed BodYnvocations™, a kinesthetic method to meet the qualities of nature within and around us, and founded the School Of The Origins, devoted to deepening our relationship with our inner and outer Nature. Her work is a synthesis of her lifelong experiences in Yoga, Theater, Anthropology, Shamanic Studies and Dance, and her studies in philosophy, comparative religion and literature.
My study with Mariabruna has focused on a deep investigation of the elemental “intelligences.”
Native American Spiritual Practice
I have attended several workshops and done personal, one-on-one work with Olivia Olkowski, a curandera in the Peruvian Pachakuti Mesa tradition. One of the most powerful experiences I have had with Olivia was a multi-day drum-making workshop, where I made a buffalo-hide drum under her guidance.
I have worked quite extensively with entheogenic plant medicine (South American traditions), which unfortunately, I am not at liberty to discuss publicly due to the sensitive nature of this work.
I have attended workshops with Robert Moss, the shamanic-inspired dream teacher, and have attended several online workshops given by Sandra Ingerman.
Mythic Trickster Training
I have done several “mythic trickster training” programs with the dream teacher, Caroline Casey. Over the years, I have also had the great pleasure of "cavorting" one-on-one with Caroline. Caroline, more than anyone else, has opened me up to the mystical dimensions and the mythological power of the cosmos.
Anti-career, Manifestation and Alchemy of Abundance
I have worked closely with Rick Jarow since early 2000s, and consider him one of my early mentors on this path. I coordinated the Manifestation Café started by Rick in New York City for five years, until 2017. Rick's approach is deeply influenced by Eastern mysticism (he spent years in India), as well as by Western esoteric traditions and Western astrology. The basic idea is to look inward for meaning and inspiration, and to create one's life and career from inside out, rather than trying to "fit into" what the outer world seems to demand of us.
Inner Relationship Focusing
I have completed the year-long training (levels 1-4) in Inner Relationship Focusing with Ann Weiser Cornell. Focusing is an inner-work modality, developed by the philosopher, Gene Genlin, where we train ourselves to sit with whatever arises in the moment, without judgment or pushing away anything. We learn to do this alone, and also to serve as a witness for another who is focusing. The title of Ann's book captures the spirit of this work: "The Radical Acceptance of Everything!"
Green Medicine
I have completed the 4-month Green Medicine training at the New York Open Center with Peeka Trenkle. Peeka is an intuitive healer, herbalist and homeopathic consultant with a deep interest in the integration of spiritual and physical healing. Peeka's approach to health and wellbeing is also deeply intertwined with ecological awareness and the wellbeing of Mother Earth.
Feeding Your Demons training
I completed Kapala Training Level 1 (also called “Feeding Your Demons” retreat) at the magical Tara Mandala Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, with Lama Tsultrim Allione, during which I received the Prajna Paramita transmission from her. Feeding Your Demons is a simplified and easily learnt version of the ancient Tibetan Buddhist Chöd Practice.
Yogini Sadhana Practices
I have participated in 21-day immersive practices with several different Goddesses with Chameli Ardagh, founder of Awakening Women Yogini Sadhana Practices. The one that I found the most transformative, and the most in sync with my Jungian worldview, was the 21-day immersion in the myth of the Sumerian/Akkadian Goddess, Inanna. The part of the myth we worked with was the journey of Inanna - the Goddess of Heaven and Earth - into the underworld, where she meets her "dark sister" - the Queen of the Underworld - Ereshkigal. The story is truly alchemical - complete with Inanna's death in the underworld, rotting of her corpse on the meat-hook, her resurrection by the little non-gendered beings sent for her rescue, and her eventual return to the middle earth, transformed (individuated).
I have training in North Indian Classical music (Hindustani vocal) and dance (Kathak). I also practice traditional hatha yoga and BodYnvocations™, a kinesthetic movement modality developed by one of my mentors, Mariabruna Sirabella.