An unexpected benediction
An Unexpected Benediction
Bare, scorched
under the blazing sun, I stand.
Axis mundi.
My skin cracked, my flesh all gone
sap still running deep in my old veins,
but just barely.
Suddenly, I’m startled awake
as my parched limbs begin to tingle
with the gentle kiss of rain-laden breeze.
As the heavens open up,
my tough no-nonsense desert mother
transforms herself into a shy bride.
Like a magician pulling out oodles of ribbons
from hidden pockets in her robes,
she ushers in a kaleidoscopic festival of life.
You say, “Bah! Fantasy!”
“Uncoordinated neuronal firing of the imminently dying!”
You are likely right.
But what if, perchance,
you lay aside your good solid logic,
and acknowledge the miracle
of that lone raindrop
that at this very moment
is sliding down your cheek?