There’s a place where all is well
East River, Roosevelt Island, New York City
There is a place in this world
Right here at my doorstep, in fact
Where all is well. Forevermore.
Wars rage.
Impending climate collapse casts its long shadow.
Racism and xenophobia of every flavor rule the day.
Yet, this river, this estuary,
Salty with the tears of Mother Earth
Insists on her slow caressing of the ancient rocks.
Grinding them down.
Smoothing each one to its own unique (im)perfection.
As if there is no rush. As if this world of ours will last forever.
As if memories held within these stalwart stone hearts,
Will forever continue
To smile patiently at the frolicking waters.
As if the permafrost is not melting away, raising the sea levels.
As if our youth are not losing hope at the legacy we are leaving them.
As if we humans are not poised to drive ourselves extinct from our own hubris.
My sister, this river, is a balm for my battered soul.
She sings me her ancient song of wellness, from a time beyond time.
A wellness that is untouched by the ravages of fate, and poor choice.