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Pushing the Boundary of the God-Image using Myth, Dream and SoulCollage®: Weekend Workshop


Presenters’ Spotlight

Who or what is “God” for you? A male or female personality, an animal, a tree, a constellation, an unnamable animating force, cosmic intelligence, great mystery, or your own essential nature? Toward the end of his life, Carl Jung said, “To this day God is the name by which I designate all things which cross my willful path violently and recklessly...” Can “God” be something that feels scary, intrusive, or even repulsive? 

When we allow a wide array of images present in myth, dreams, poetry, art and imagination to represent the divine, we find that the full range of our experience is also welcomed. In addition, the poetic, multi-layered nature of an image, coming from a deep, archaic layer of our psyche, opens us up to curiosity and wonder. 

Inspired by world mythology, our night-time dreams and the creative modality of SoulCollage®*,  this workshop will provide a space for images to come forward. We will hold them with deep reverence as we listen to their wisdom, both individually, and as a community. Of note, this kind of connection in the imaginal realm provides a glue that can link us together even over a medium such as zoom. 


During this weekend, participants will:

  • Experience the power of world myths, dreams and creativity to connect us to the divine

  • Learn to trust the wisdom of the image that spontaneously presents itself

  • Learn methods to engage with images, such as mythology, dreamwork and SoulCollage®

  • Appreciate the energy constellated within a community when images are encountered as living entities

  • Lean into our own edge of what feels familiar and what feels “other” when we think of the word “God”

  • Learn from others’ experiences of the divine as we share in community 


*A materials list for the SoulCollage® experience will be provided before the workshop.

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