It was a beautiful day to celebrate the spring equinox! Snow was coming down, wet and heavy, at a time of the year when everyone is tired of the long and harsh winter, and would give anything for a glimpse of sprouting green! The day was thus a perfect metaphor for a threshold moment - which is an essential element of an equinox. How do we work with such a threshold moment - a time of birthing? When all we can think about is the gaiety of spring, how do we still make space of the lingering winter? Indeed, how do we honor the lingering frozenness of certain aspects of our lives when everyone around us tells us that it is time to get up and go? How do we stay present with what is, while preparing the ground for what is being born, but not yet fully there?
In an exquisite ritual led by Swaha Devi, we reflected on the theme of the Spring Equinox, and how it was manifesting in each of our lives. We began with a checking in, followed by a guided meditation, then a moving meditation, culminating in an art project. The project was to create an art piece using paper, glue, seeds, flowers and stems - letting our intuition guide us. There was no specific agenda, and no intended final product. We ended by sharing our experiences from the evening and some food to celebrate Mother Earth's bounty.