This month, we will take a closer look at our dreams, and learn to excavate treasures that might be hidden within the often bizarre dream imagery. Cultures since times immemorial, and from all latitudes and longitudes, have revered "strong dreamers." In many cultures, a distinctive trait of the medicine man/woman has been their ability to dream, and then, to use the dream messages for the benefit of their tribes. In modern Western culture, Carl Jung has done the most in reinvigorating interest in dreams and dream analysis.
In this workshop, we will learn to work with our dreams using the deceptively simple method developed by a contemporary dream shaman, Robert Moss. "Lightning Dreamwork Game," as Robert calls it, is fast, playful yet reverent, and helps us to understand our dreams freshly each time - rather than using canned interpretations from some variation of "101 dream images explained" type of a so-called self-help book! Most importantly, it teaches us that for a dream to be able to have power and meaning in our lives, we NEED to take actions prompted by the dream.
To get the most out of this evening, please start paying special attention to your dreams from today (this includes daydreams, fantasies, musings...). Write down even short snippets or single images that linger in your mind as soon as you wake up (or images that come floating in as you are drifting off to sleep, or even daydreaming). Dreams are ephemeral; the images dissipating like morning dew if we wait for a "good time later on" to record them. So, one has to be diligent and disciplined. Also, please note that WE ALL DREAM; and with intention, attention and practice, we can learn to retain more of their messages.
If possible, please come with a short dream or part of a dream you'd like to work with during the workshop. If you don't have one you'd like to share, though, no worries. We will use material from volunteers, or we will just cook up some fresh ones using journeying/visualization techniques!
In addition to working with our personal dreams, we will also take some time to engage with a dream that we will dream together. Specifically, we will explore the imagery that comes up when we visualize the future we would like for our beloved Mother Earth. And then, we will sense into the action steps that are wanting to be born, for us as individuals and as a community, to make this dream come true.