Spring is just around the corner. The seeds that had been buried deep underground through the winter are beginning to sprout. Trees are giving out tentative new shoots, and a few flowers are beginning to brighten the landscape. Squirrels and birds are beginning their frenetic activities, getting ready for the longer, warmer days, preparing for their young ones to arrive in this coming time of plenty.
Synchronistically, our Cafe falls on Good Friday! No matter what our religion of birth or choice may be, we can all relate to the Easter story - a story of brokenness, of death, of passage through dark times, and then resurrection into new light and life.
Come and join us, as we celebrate this turning of the medicine wheel. At this time of the year, as the days become longer and warmer, we take our leave from the House of the North, the home of the White Bear, and move toward the East. We invite in the robin, the hummingbird, the eagle - as they take flight into the rising sun. At this ceremony, we will reflect on things in our life that we are ready to leave behind in the House of the North - at the place of death and burial; and focus our attention on those aspects of our lives that are ready to sprout and to blossom; those things in us that are ready for a rebirth.
And just as a teaser, chocolate (or more precisely, cacao), will be an integral part of this ceremony. Please feel free to invite friends, but if you are inviting several friends, do drop me a line.