This spring equinox celebration literally marks the end of an era. After holding the New York City Manifestation Community Café at the TAI Group space for almost nine years, we are about to close this chapter of the Café. TAI is moving out of this space in April. We are exploring other space options, but at this point, we truly do not know where our new home will be, come April!
What better time to stand at this threshold of unknowing than at the Spring Equinox?
For nine long years (note the number nine), we have been gestating in the womb of this beautiful space, generously donated to us so we could offer the gatherings to our community without charge.
Now, we are ready to birth into the unknown. At this last celebration at TAI, we will explore, through ritual, the sensations felt by a seed when it finally feels the warmth of the light above calling to it. When it feels the breeze, as its outer protective husk begins to crack open. When the water percolating from the surface quickens the life in it.
As the seed readies to respond to the call of the elements, and to the call of the still-small-shoot-within, it does not really know what to expect. Will the layers of earth it will have to grow through be rocky? Will it have the strength to penetrate those layers of rocky soil? Will there be enough nourishing earth on the surface? Is the fragile shoot going to burst through too early, only to be covered over by fresh snow? Or maybe the surface will not even be habitable; as a new oil slick spreads on the ground the little shoot hoped to call home!
Even with all these uncertainties, the seed continues its upward journey – inexorably – even audaciously.
Which parts of us are bursting open right now, in a song of new, green, life? What in us has lain dormant for years, and is now called to come forth? Of course, just like the little seed, we have no guarantees of success. But like the little seed, we have hope. And we have faith in the ultimate benevolence of the Universe.
Please come and join us at this last Spring Equinox Celebration of the New York City Manifestation Community Café at the TAI Group space. Let us step together into the unknown future – where anything is possible!