This work is based on the dynamics of family constellations first formulated by Bert Hellinger. The process of Creative Constellation focuses specifically on the creative process, and particularly on any blocks or challenges we might be experiencing in the manifestation of our creative process. This can also include challenges with specific projects.
So, what is holding you captive? And what is the way out? Where is the resource? During this evening, we will work with one or more of the participants to explore the story we are constellating around our creative endeavor, including but not limited to, our families and ancestors, the symbols for our creative process and/or the challenge, our emotions, our supporters/mentors/guides etc. Once we can visualize and viscerally experience the dynamics we are constellating, we will have the opportunity to reimagine the constellation in a way that opens some of the current blocks, and allows the energy to flow in new and creative directions. Finding how present day collective circumstances are reflected in our personal and creative lives is also a contribution we make to the world.
What does the work entail?
One participant is chosen as the subject, who briefly describes their creative project and the point of tension or unease in the process. Then, with the help of the facilitator, other participants from the group are invited to represent the various actors in the constellation. For example, the constellation may include family members possibly going back a generation or two, symbolic aspects of the project and/or the challenge, the archetypal forces present, etc. The subject first places these "representatives" in relationship to each other as seems most appropriate. Then, based on the felt experience within this "field," the representatives move relative to each other until a new constellation is created. The process continues as the subject and his/her representatives express their felt experience within the constellation and continue to move until the energy within the field begins to flow more easily. The process comes to a natural end when the subject and the facilitator are comfortable with the flow of energy within this new field, and the subject senses that a positive shift has been achieved relative to how the constellation was initially configured.
What is your role in this process?
You are free to participate actively, or just witness. Even just witnessing this work carried out for someone else's constellation, or by serving as a "representative" in someone else's constellation, could be a very transformative experience. In case several participants wish to work on their constellations, the facilitator will attempt to accommodate as many as possible within the given time, but without rushing the process for any one constellation. Of course, just like any other personal material discussed in the Manifestation Cafe, what is revealed at the circle remains within the circle, and is not discussed outside, in order to create a container of safety within which the work unfolds.