At this circle, we did two shamanic journeys, both accompanied by a buffalo medicine drum. In the first, we traveled to the lower realms, met with an ally in this plane, and were informed about what in our lives and experiences we must leave behind as we move from the summer to the fall. The second journey was a partner journey, where we paired up and journeyed to the upper realms on behalf of our partner. Here, we again met an ally from this realm, and asked to be shown clearly a special gift that our partner had inside of them, and that they were now ready to bring into manifestation in the middle plane. At the end of the second journey, the pairs shared the gifts they brought back for their partner from the upper world. We then shared together our take-home messages from both journeys. We found that both the journeys were powerful for the participants, irrespective of whether they were veteran journeyers or first-time voyagers.