At this circle, we did a shamanic journeying, taking stock of our summers and preparing for the fall... In retrospect, it appears that this cafe was a preparation for the autumn equinox celebration next month. Being in mid-August, we had very small attendance at this cafe, but people who did attend found it a powerful experience. In the Native American tradition, we invited in ourselves, our ancestors, our guides, and anyone in our lives who needed healing. We then reflected on how our summers had been, and what messages were bubbling up for us at this time. We then purified ourselves and the space with sage, and journeyed to the lower world, to meet an ally and ask for a clear message of what is it that we are to bring forward with us as we move toward the fall. The journey was accompanied by a powerful buffalo medicine drum made by me (Sushmita) in a ritual setting. In making the drum (this past winter), we had actually journeyed to the animal whose hide we were using (buffalo in my case), and the tree whose wood we were using for the hoop (maple), and asked their permission to use their offering to make our drums. After we made the drums, we journeyed again to ask this animal and the tree what medicine they wanted us to carry with the drum, and finally, after the drum was dry enough, we were taught "our medicine song" by the drum we just made. It is an extremely powerful experience, and if any of you are interested in knowing more, or attending such a ritual/workshop, please write to me directly.