Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower." -- Albert Camus
In our day-to-day lives, we are often so caught up with tick-tock time that we forget the vast range of experiences of time available to us! Mother Nature, for example, is much more at home in the circular time of the year turning through the seasons. All traditional cultures have ways to mark and celebrate important transition points in this turning wheel of time.
One of those trans-cultural points of celebration are the twice-a-year equinoxes - in spring and in autumn. Of these, the autumn equinox is at our door here in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a point of the year where summer is ending - the days are starting to get shorter and the nights longer. There's a nip in the air. But autumn in its full glory is yet to make its presence felt. It is a threshold moment - a liminal time - when things are more tentative, unsure. We wake up in the morning not knowing whether we'll need a jacket or should wear short sleeves. Psychologically and spiritually, too, these times call upon us to sit patiently with those parts of our lives that are in transition. Things that are either ending, or things that are getting ready to be born.
Together, we will celebrate this liminal time of the autumn equinox on Friday, October 2nd (Gandhi's birthday!) through some rituals and guided visualization. In preparation for the ritual, it might be a good idea to reflect on the things in your life that feel unresolved at this time. Our goal is not to force anything, nor to run or hide from them, but to sit with them with interested curiosity.
We hope to see you at the celebration on October 2nd.