The point is that our true nature is not some ideal that we have to live up to. It’s who we are right now, and that’s what we can make friends with and celebrate. -- Pema Chödrön
This month, we have an unique opportunity to explore and experience a very special form of bodywork. Called the Rosen Method, after its founder, Marion Rosen, it is a way to reconnect with oneself and live with more ease.
Rosen Method bodywork uses gentle touch and words to support a deepening of physical and emotional awareness. It helps one open and move through the layers of chronic tension that separate us from ourselves. This process develops our ability to explore and uncover hidden truths about mysterious aches and pains, to live in the present moment, and to feel more confident and rooted in the body.
At this workshop, after an introduction to Rosen Method, you will have the opportunity to receive and give this type of touch under the guidance of a wonderful practitioner of the method. You will also be able to observe a mini-session/demonstration, and be able to ask questions.
Given by Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner: Elizabeth Smith, RN Hospice and Palliative Care Specialist